Busy Bee Organizing Plus

Free the Girls!! How you can help….

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Thanks for taking a moment to learn how you can help Free the Girls. I was introduced to this group through NAPO (National Assoc. of Professional Organizers). In this organizing business I have I have many opportunities to work with women who are clearing out the clutter…including old bras and those that no longer fit. I have had other places in the past in which I could donate, but I have now made Free the Girls my sole donation site. So, getting rid of old bras can be a two-fold benefit: clearing your clutter and:

By partnering with established after-care facilities, we provide an opportunity for sex trafficking survivors to build their own business selling second-hand clothing while going to school, establishing a house, and caring for their families.  Selling clothes allows them to work as much or as little as their school schedule permits.  The women in our program receive their starting inventory as a donation, and are then able to buy additional inventory from Free The Girls for below wholesale value to help maintain their competitive edge in the marketplace.  Revenue from inventory sales covers our overseas program costs so our international programs are sustainable. We work one-on-one with each budding entrepreneur in areas like inventory management, budgeting, and financial planning for future dreams and goals they want to achieve.

December 8th is considered the Spirit of Giving Day and I am going to be donating over 40 bras that I’ve been given over the past six months. I’d like to invite you to consider learning more and contributing in whatever way(s) you can. visit the link below for information about the Dec. 8th event.

click here

spirit of giving

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